$397.00 USD

MHP Freedom Formula Core Four Online Training by DreamLife100

Dive into Our Core Four MHP Training today!

What You'll Receive:

Our MHP Freedom Formula Core Four Online Training includes 4 value packed modules!

1. MHP 101 - Breakdown of the types of MHPs, infrastructure components, and key factors of MHPs.

2. How to Find Deals - Have you ever felt like there are no good deals out there? We'll show you there are deals out there...and how to find them!

3. How to Evaluate Deals - Do you feel overwhelmed by deal evaluation? Which numbers should you use? What numbers matter? We will walk you through a step by step deal analysis so you can feel CONFIDENT in your ability to properly evaluate MHPs.

4. How to Fund Deals: Creative Deal Structure & Using OPM (Other People's Money) - Deal structure matters more than price (most of the time) and we'll show you why. We'll teach you how to structure your deals to drastically reduce cash needed to close, and how to get that cash to close your Dream Deal...it is simpler than you might think. There is no shortage of money out there, but there is a shortage of competent operators that know what to do with the funds. 

In Addition to the VALUE PACKED Training Modules Above You'll Also Get...


  • Our MHP 101 Reference Guide
  • 10 Factors to Consider When Evaluating a MHP
  • How We Made $1.5M in Value On Our First Big Deal
  • PFS Template
  • Due Diligence Checklist
  • Our Deal Evaluator Template
  • Seller Questionnaire Checklist
  • Bank Lender Questionnaire Checklist
  • Low Money Down Guide
  • Funding Your DreamDeal Using OPM Guide!

Turn your "one day" into Day One and start your DreamLife journey today!